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This is a virtual home for those US citizens who are realists and are sad to see that the 2012 presidential election shows over 50 percent of the nation no longer believes in the founding principles of the US and its Constitution.

The map shows the states in red (from the final 2012 Electoral College results) that voted against the socialist and anti-Constitutional path the Democratic Party and President Obama are rapidly taking the US down.

The red states form the natural nucleus of a new country which could be formed from the US via peaceful secession. A good name for such a country would be "The Free States of America (FSA)."

Such a country could start over again with the US Constitution as it exists, with its existing amendments, and then tweak some settings that have gone awry due to some awful court decisions and plain neglect and abuse by US federal legislators and unelected bureaucrats.

Some suggestions are:

Those suggestions would eliminate some of the self-destructive behavior seen in the current US where we are going broke because many voters are stealing from productive citizens through the overbearing power of the federal government, and many of our children are getting a second-rate education in large measure because of the teachers' unions.